Well hi there!

Abby Olsen
Awesome Sauce Creative Extraordinaire
It's so nice of you to stop by and find out a little bit more about me and what's going on around here. Let's see if my style is what you're looking for in a photographer + graphic designer!
The deets: I'm the mother of 4 handsome little boys, 1 beautiful baby girl, wife of a super hottie, lover of all things reading, a teacher-librarian, graphic designer, and an aspiring photographer. I graduated from Fotofly Academy in SLC, Utah in 2018, spent several years in Boise, Idaho, and am now booking sessions and taking on projects in San Antonio, Texas!
The beginning: I first started taking photos in 9th grade yearbook and have loved it ever since! I did yearbook all through high school and after graduation I became the assistant adviser of the yearbook. While going to college to get my BS in Business Marketing Education I also taught yearbook as the adviser. Basically... I love yearbook! When I graduated I became the teacher-librarian at American Fork High School where I continued to teach yearbook, read, and design vinyl, posters, invitations, and yearbook layouts.
Why this: I think it's because of yearbook that I love taking photos of the action and reactions that are happening. Portraits are so important for that frame on the wall but I love to see what else is happening all around during a session.
Where can I take photos: Because of my training at the academy I'm able to take photos anywhere! From evenings during that perfect sunset to inside a studio I'm able to use natural and flash light to create the perfect light for your session.
Graphic design stuff: I love to design invitations for any event, Christmas cards, posters, vinyl, business cards, mailers, and logos. Check out my portfolio for examples of past designs and fill out the contact form to see if there's something I can help you with!
Well... that's me! Yass!